Released: 13/10/23
Sometimes, the simplest way of communicating why you love a record is to look to the words of those who created it. So yes, I could bang on about how the brilliant new EP by London’s Flamingods seamlessly weaves through many genres, including psychedelia, new wave, electronica, punk, and 70s British rock and roll (often within the same song), in a not dissimilar way to MGMT’s Oracular Spectacular, albeit with the crucial added element that it also looks as much to West-Asian music as it does that of the occident – and, oh look, I have – but far more meaningful is the group’s description of their modus operandi:
“We’re a band of mixed-race boys making alternative rock music, something that’s quite rare within our scene. We’re very much influenced by our heritage but aren’t engrossed in making traditional or obvious rock music. We’d rather make it our own."