Released: 23/02/24
Along with Sonic Cathedral labelmates Deary (whose 2023 self-titled EP was one of our records of the year), Whitelands are at the forefront of an exciting British dream pop revival that, while undoubtedly indebted to Slowdive, Cocteau Twins, et al, are injecting it with new vitality. In Whitelands’ case it is imbuing a genre that often ignores contemporary issues, in favour of woolly notions of transcendence, with the personal and political. Founded by the Ghana-born, London-based duo of Jagun Meseorisa (Drums) and Etienne Quartey-Papafio (vocals and guitar, and featuring Vanessa Govinden (also of Big Joanie) on bass and Michael Adelaja on guitar, much of the content of their mesmerising music is informed by their all being people of colour – as a bravura statement of intent, the fantastic Night-Bound Eyes … is bookended by two overtly political songs – ‘Setting Sun’ and ‘Now Here’s the Weather’ – which deal with imperialism, racism and performative ignorance via some beautifully fluid and poetical lyrics. As Govinden says, “We’ve experienced tokenism, micro-behaviours and resentment, so we feel we have to continually prove ourselves; we want Whitelands to really break some barriers.” With the wonderful Night-Bound Eyes …, this incredibly talented quartet is doing just that.